On technology...β€œIt's still magic even if you know how it's done.” ― Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky

month October 2020


My Apple watch keeps telling me to breathe. And to stand up. I’m not sure I envisioned a world where electronics would be giving me orders. (I’m so glad the fridge doesn’t count how many times I open the door!)…. Continue Reading →

Where the attention goes

Despite not feeling my best this week, I’ve been remarkably productive. My ‘to-do’ list was beginning to feel like a hill turning into a mountain I was never going to be able to climb and I’ve been feeling the pressure…. Continue Reading →

What a difference a day makes

I valued the break of the Thanksgiving weekend, a time to relax and move into the routines of fall. A longer weekend meant a shorter work week with equally pressing dead lines. This week felt like I was caught in… Continue Reading →

Giving Thanks

After eight years of living in Canada, I still forget that Thanksgiving is an important weekend here. Perhaps this year, especially so. While there are many reasons to feel stress and anxiety, as I reflect on this past week, I’ve… Continue Reading →

A walk in the past

After the first few weeks of term, usually we all settle into a groove. I’m not sure that’s going to happen this time around, and that’s okay. We all knew this term would be different. The new college Widening Our… Continue Reading →

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