Photo of butterflies

Photo by Karina Vorozheeva on Unsplash

Butterflies are often considered to be symbols of transformation. It is well-known that to become a butterfly, a caterpillar undergoes an incredible process of metamorphosis.

I wouldn’t go as far as to say that I feel like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but it has seemed somewhat fitting with the better weather, enjoying my ‘garden office,’ that countless butterflies have appeared. In literature classes I remember learning that the idea that we experience the external world as reflecting our internal reality is called pathetic fallacy.Β I somehow feel that my external world is indeed, reflecting what I feel inside. This week I have enjoyed having more time to focus on ‘thinking’ rather than ‘doing;’ time to conceptualize and imagine the next steps. Time to plan.

I’m excited by phase 2, the opportunities to develop existing, and learn new skills; to dig deeper. I’m feeling a renewed sense of purpose, and while I know the ‘to do’ list keeps growing, the bigger picture is becoming less one of separate trees and flowers blooming in their own microcosms, and more a blended tapestry of colors that form a beautiful garden.

Ever the optimist, I trust this garden will not become as overgrown as the one I’m sitting in right now.