It’s been a curious week. On the one hand I live in my bubble in Bowser, beavering away with work; body and brain both energized and exhausted from new learning. On the other, through a computer screen I watch events going on around the world, new levels of tragedy; and of unspeakable cruelty.

And I hold on to hope. I imagine hope as a convocation of eagles soaring high in the sky, knowing the only limitation is any fear that stops them flying higher.

For me, the nature of education is itself a journey of hope. That’s not to say there are no falls along the way, no detours or steps backward. It’s more the sentiment that in spite of any setbacks, education can and should provide hope to any and all who choose to follow its path.

Now more than ever we need hope.

Whatever the perspective through which we appreciate authentic
educational practice … its process implies hope.
-Paulo Freire

At a time when many of us feel helpless as we watch events unfold around us, whether its the ravages of the virus, the destruction of cyclones or the fires fueled by decades of racism and systemic violence, knowing there is something we can do on an individual basis to make the world a kinder and more equitable place, however seemingly small, is important.

As educators we are: fortunate to have a daily opportunity to make a positive difference in the world; privileged that we have that power; responsible for ensuring that we use that power and privilege to good ends.

The link between current events and learning to teach others about WordPress may seem somewhat tangential and perhaps it is; but not if one considers the bigger picture. The opportunities presented by new tools and platforms available through digital learning will provide students with powerful means to find their voice and be heard in new ways.

Being a part of that process, now that’s hope.