On technology...β€œIt's still magic even if you know how it's done.” ― Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky

month February 2021

Through others we become ourselves

This quote by Vygotsky got me thinking. Is this actually true? In principle, I would agree, and surely this is the point of education – to help students grow into the best version of themselves. I’m not sure we always… Continue Reading →

A shorter week

A day is only a day and yet it makes a big difference in how the week flows. Time seemed to evaporate this week. It’s interesting, entering a second external review visit cycle, having gone through it once before. I… Continue Reading →

Doodles and quilts

It’s the Friday before a long weekend, with an impending snow storm looming. I suppose that’s why my mind keeps coming back to the Reach meeting earlier in the week and the metaphor of a quilt; stories and histories sewn… Continue Reading →

Stepping back to step forward

It’s been a busy week of getting stuff done. From meeting notes to website updates to document summaries. I’ve spent the week processing a large amount of information. What I’ve realized is the importance of taking a step back. Sometimes… Continue Reading →

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