While I can’t claim that fall is my favorite season (I’m a summer soul), autumn is definitely a close second. On the one hand there’s a tinge a grief that cooler weather is on its way. On the other, the vibrant colors of the last throes of nature before it heads back to sleep, are invigorating.

And, having spent most of my life in education – on either side of the equation – September for me has always felt like a time of promise; the promise of beginning a new journey, in the knowledge that each academic year brings both the familiar and the new.

That said, this  new school year is clearly like no other. Nonetheless, I feel it is filled with equal anticipation. I’m under no illusion that some of the challenges of the last few months may continue, with others appearing on the horizon. That said, we are entering a new era in education, both globally and locally. This is a time of transformation for all of us. Or should I say, continued transformation. The process has already started. I’m excited about what the fall will bring as my role and my learning as an educator continues to evolve.

“I’m looking forward to the future and feeling grateful for the past” Mike Rowe.

Let the adventures begin!