Photo by Adam Birkett on Unsplash
Despite not feeling my best this week, I’ve been remarkably productive. My ‘to-do’ list was beginning to feel like a hill turning into a mountain I was never going to be able to climb and I’ve been feeling the pressure. I decided to get some of the smaller concrete items off the list and work toward getting chunks done of larger projects, accepting that some are ongoing and will take time; and evolution.
The CiCan application on Outward Student Mobility has been an exciting project to embark on. I know getting the funding might be a long shot, but the thought process in and of itself is entirely worth it. I realize how inspired I feel by imaging all the ways we can work within the College to promote internationalization. I have a whole micro-credential brewing in my head. And how amazing will be it be, once we get a Global Classroom working? Whether we get the funding or not, I finally feel like this will become a reality sooner rather than later.
Being on Curriculum Committee is proving a useful entry point to internationalization. Already I’ve been able to offer feedback to proponents, asking questions that will hopefully raise awareness of how they can begin to introduce a more intercultural perspective into their courses. I’m so pleased that one proponent has reached out to me for further discussions.
It was good also to have a conversation with a colleague who’s working on the Self-Study for their area. I know this isn’t the beginning of the Program Review process but anything that let’s me into the different steps of the process brings me closer to better understanding the the lived experience.
We’re getting closer to the first External Review visit and the fact that we’re doing this virtually is of itself quite a feat. This feels a little like waiting for a grand performance (and I guess it is). I’m glad I’ve taken the time to schedule ‘back up’ meetings in BlueJeans. Thankfully Mercury retrograde ends November 3rd – although we could be faced with a whole different situation after that day.
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