Making plans in June for August and a new academic year is both disconcerting and exciting. Disconcerting because it’s another reminder of how quickly time flies; exciting because of the list of potential activities that are on the horizon. While the specific are still to be discussed, in my head I can see all the links and connections between disparate pieces that complete a bigger picture. Colored tiles of different patterns

It’s been interesting to consider all these ‘pieces’ within the context of the conversations I’ve been having as part of the intercultural environmental scan. I had five conversations this week and each one lasted more than an hour. Everyone I speak with comes to the questions with a slightly differing perspective and at the same time, there are some commonalities: the need for these discussions; the fact that intercultural fluency is a journey not a destination; that experiential learning is key; that the focus needs to be action-oriented. There’s a lot to process and I know the next step is to get student perspectives.

These conversations were a good lead into the first Book Club with one department exploring Teaching Across Cultural Strengths. It was a fascinating discussion with rich reflection and a fabulous example of learning through interaction (my socio-cultural theory professor would be impressed). The plan is to continue with this activity. The first community of practice has begun.

This week I also focused on creating more resources, like the video below on supporting international students. Each time I create one of these I feel slightly less self-conscious. In the draft calendar I’ve outlined for the next academic year, creating resources in the my ‘to do’ list for each week. I have some handouts to finish up that I want to get done before I go off on vacation.

Today I attended a BC Campus webinar on Universal Design for Learning (UDL). There’s so much synergy with work that has a more intercultural focus and I see focusing on UDL as a powerful entry point for encouraging instructors to consider what UDL principles might mean also for international students.Β 

I’m looking forward to the conference next week, the theme of which is ‘Addressing privilege.’ I know I’m going to come away with more ideas that will inform my role moving forward.