This week feels like it’s a ‘double welcome back’ – both ‘back to school’ after the summer and ‘back to campus’ after so many months away.

I confess I was feeling anxious about being back around people. Like many humans who are more introverted, the last few months have highlighted how much I value time alone to recharge both physically and mentally. With the ever changing nature of how we can best keep each other safe, I’ve managed that ongoing stress by enjoying the peace and quiet of my home and garden.

That said, it’s been so lovely this week reconnecting with colleagues and meeting new ones. It’s an exciting time in CTLI.

This week my activities included connecting with Amber around the Story Circle sessions, and I had my first CTLI session. Two people signed up and it was a fabulous opportunity to meet a new instructor, chat with an ‘old’ colleague, and to showcase all the work that’s been done on the CTLI website. Both were thrilled with the resources available and had some suggestions as to how these resources could be more widely highlighted among faculty. The questions they asked about supporting diverse students and creating inclusive learning environments, especially for international students, was a good reminder of the types of questions instructors ask and where I can place my focus as a starting point, after term begins.

I’ve been planning sessions for International Student Orientation. I’m glad of the opportunity to do a session on Learning Digitally – it’s a good reminder for me and I’ve found the website for students super helpful in planning for this session. I’m taking a slightly different approach this fall to the session on Studying in Canada, based on new knowledge on how to put together Power Point Presentations and best practices for fostering engagement in online sessions.

Next week, along with ‘meeting’ our new international students, I’m looking forward to hearing the plans of our new president, seeing colleagues at the Tuesday ‘Welcome Back’ event, and most exciting, getting started on my Global Learning Facilitator Duties and Responsibilities, starting off with Strategic Plan Development.

Exciting times!