Fall leaves This week I have been continuing my research into how other institutions support student success. After four lengthy interviews it’s clear that pinning down what to include in our version of a Student Success Course is a bit like wondering how long is a piece of string. That said, there are commonalities in terms of student need and support.

We are in a different era of college education. Our students are more diverse, have more complex lives and require more nuanced approaches in how we teach and support them. When I see included in support modules, topics such as ‘Succeeding on tests and exams,’ I wonder if we’re not looking at things backwards. How about we rethink having tests and exams at all, or at the very least reconsider how tests / exams are organized and presented? I watched the movie The Blind Side last night and I wondered how many students the education system has failed because there wasn’t someone willing to meet them ‘where they were,’ to see the possibilities of trying something new.

We had another Story Circle this week. Only two people came, however it was still worth the time for the thoughtful discussion. Next week I’m meeting with our Indigenous Education Facilitator to talk about how we can continue these Circles next term in ways that will hopefully promote greater involvement. I’ve just finished reading Five Little Indians and continue to reflect on what I / we as an institution can do to ensure  that our college is an inclusive and safe space for all students. If we want students to be successful, whatever that means for them, we need to consider remember our students as whole human beings, who cannot be separated from their lived experiences.