January 1st is the first page of a 365 page novel

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Somehow this New Year feels different to previous years. In some ways we are experiencing almost a rerun of this time last year. There is the same uncertainty, similar challenges; with the addition of adverse weather to liven things up. So the feeling of a new start isn’t quite there, at least not for me.
Going with the metaphor of a book from the quote above, I feel like this new year is more like a sequel rather than a brand new story. The week began with finding supports to help faculty adapt to a more flexible approach to teaching and learning. We’re moving on from looking at pedagogy for teaching online and thinking of how we can ensure continuity of learning when students and / or the instructor may be absent for any period of time, when some students may or may not be able to attend face-to-face classes, and when the learning may have to blend teaching both face-to-face and online. And let’s not forget the synchronous versus asynchronous options. My head is spinning just writing this and yet this is the future: Hybrid Learning. Of course, hopefully in the future there will be the technology available to fully support this. For now, creativity and compassion are the key. The most useful site I’ve found so far is UBC’s site Strategies For Supporting Temporarily Remote Students.
We had two sessions with faculty on Flexible Learning and it was great to see the attendance we had, given all that’s going on. Mostly it was the same ‘frequent flyers,’ however there were new sessional instructors.
International student orientation went well. There were around 50-60 online at any given point and students asked some great questions. I did two sessions: Adapting to Studying in Canada; and Learning Digitally. This time it seemed the students in general were a little more comfortable in the virtual environment; there was more engagement that the last time I did these sessions.
I spent some time this week catching up on reading. The latest edition of Tech & Learning has interesting pieces on ‘resetting’ and ‘reimagining’ education. Although much is about the K-12 setting, some of the ideas are relevant across education: thinking about how we can redesign the classroom space, the technology needed moving forward, adapting pedagogy, and realignment of learning.
And, January is my work anniversary – seven years at the College. And I’m glad to say, there’s been enough variety and enough challenge to stop me getting anything close to the fabled, Seven Year Itch.
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