One year ago Phil and I picked up the keys to our new home. It was a gorgeously sunny weekend just like this, filled with laughter, all our friends coming together to help us move.

This morning I went running with most of the same friends, a morning also filled with laughter, this time coming together to train for a different kind of celebration – our friend Donna turning 65 – in honor of which we will run 65 km on her birthday.

Why do I reflect on this? I suppose it’s because, in all of the change and unpredictability of the last few months, there are constants: Loving partners, loyal friends, and good colleagues; all of life that is important.

I was part of a panel last Friday for SIETAR (the Society for International Education, Teaching and Research), with around 40 attendees, discussing the effects of the pandemic on intercultural education. The landscape of the world is changing – with the possibility for great good, and alas also for great evil; we still don’t know which direction it will turn. What we do know is the constant; dedicated individuals the world over who, through education, will continue to promote intercultural education, an education that is increasingly infused with social justice and a call for kindness and compassion. More constants.

As I take some time away from work to recharge, spend time in the garden, run through the woods, I am grateful for the constants in my life; and that especially includes my wonderful colleagues.

Happy Summer 2020! A year and a summer like no other.