Book and light

Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

A new chapter has begun. It’s likely so surprise that I should choose such an analogy given my love of books and writing. I also like new beginnings.

After several weeks away, hanging out mostly in my back yard, with long runs on the trails and walks on the beach, it was a definite change of pace being back at work; a good one. I’ve enjoyed reconnecting with colleagues, catching up on what’s been going on over the summer – new tech developments, new resources, planning for the coming academic year. It’s also been a lot fun meeting new colleagues, engaging in enthusiastic conversations about teaching and learning. It seemed that in most of the sessions this week we had pretty much the same ‘crowd,’ which was nice in terms of building community. I was heartened to realize that I’ve not completely forgotten everything while I was away and that my brain is still in my head. I confess that it took a couple of days to get it working properly.

I know there are a significant number of unknowns as we move forward, more so than possibly any other time in my teaching career. That said, one of the aspects of a new academic year that I’ve always enjoyed is precisely the ‘unknowns.’ I’m excited at the new work I’ll be taking on and feel blessed to be given both the opportunity and the trust that this involves.

May the fun begin!