I love plans and ‘to do’ lists. They help tame my squirrel brain.

On the one hand I like having lots to do. Keeping busy feeds my hunger to be challenged and stops me getting bored (boredom is not my greatest fear – ‘rats’ and ‘being buried alive’ would rate much higher). The downside is that good time management means that flitting back and forth between tasks isn’t necessarily the best approach – unless it is done strategically such as through ‘interleaving.’ Plans and ‘to do’ lists help me focus on what needs doing and by when. Breaking larger tasks into more manageable daily / weekly points keeps the ‘overwhelm of the bigger picture’ at bay, while allowing me to see how day by day I’m getting ‘stuff’ done, and reaching bigger goals.

That’s one of the reasons I’m excited about the new college plan, Widening Our Doorways – A 10-point Plan to Reset. It provides clear and concrete direction based on current research, both on the specific context of the College and the broader / macro context in which the College sits. I like the fact that the plan is based on opportunities, while equally recognizing the very real challenges ahead. The plan is real, concrete and actionable. There are timelines and accountability built in. 

Thinking in terms of my own role and how that is evolving, the action points Program Response and Renewal and Rethinking the Teaching Itself, both relate specifically to the work I’ve already started doing in terms of Program Review, and moving forward with QAPA. The pandemic has thrust HE in the direction it was already (sometimes reluctantly) heading – greater access, broader flexibility in learning options and delivery, and much more online / digital pedagogy – recognized in today’s Academic Division Zoom meeting. Not withstanding the ongoing current challenges of a global pandemic, I feel lucky to be right here, right now, being given the opportunity to contribute in a tangible and meaningful way to this new college direction. 

And so, Google docs is the great invention I intend to use more often to help tame my squirrel brain. This week I created 3: tasks – pressing / more immediate; tasks – ongoing / larger projects; ideas for the Program Review Handbook and Website. We already have lots to work with and I’m looking forward next week to mapping out the website, checking off what materials we have / what needs to be created, and adding to our resources. Next Friday I’ll be attending my first PR meeting for one of our programs. We already have 3 faculty volunteers and 3 students for the focus groups, and that’s in less than 24 hours. Off to a great start!