
Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

A day is only a day and yet it makes a big difference in how the week flows. Time seemed to evaporate this week.

It’s interesting, entering a second external review visit cycle, having gone through it once before. I know it will take multiple times for all the cogs and wheels to fit together more seamlessly in my head, in terms of remembering all the minute details that are essential to ensuring the visit not only flows well but is also as productive as possible. This time, asking participants ahead of the visit for their thoughts on their work supporting a program, will make for more focused discussions on the day. Taking notes in the meeting with the External Review Team on Tuesday was useful because it gave me material to include in the ‘Program Review Coordinator Manual’ that I’m compiling for myself, along with documents for review visit participants and review teams, moving forward. I can see this is an iterative process that will likely always need tweaks.

The CiCan project is going well and it’s hard to believe that I’m half-way through. We have a consolidated outline for the faculty modules and are moving onto the student phases. I’m applying what I’ve learned over the past year in terms of designing courses for online delivery, in both asynchronous and synchronous formats, and again, I’m enjoying the synergy between different aspects of my day-to-day work.