I’m not sure why I get surprised when  new month comes around, but often I do. It’s been a strange few weeks.

My project is finally done – almost. I have one more meeting with a student to get feedback. So far it’s been positive, with some suggestions for additions. What’s noticeable is the inclination toward the more prescriptive, which is exactly what we were trying to move away from in using a decolonized approach to curriculum design. I see there needs to be a more detailed introduction to guide students into this alternative way of approaching intercultural communication.

Working on another course about which I know little has been interesting. It’s a reminder that what can be clear to a subject specialist is not necessarily to someone who is new to the area. It’s been interesting learning about a different profession, all the while honing my formatting skills. Who knew PDFs had so many extra settings?  I’m enjoying collaborating with Terri on this and we’ve made good progress. We’ve quickly got into a groove and while we’re each focusing more on what we do best, we’re both learning new stuff.

And now to chocolate.