Another week of working on the Craft Services course and it’s been interesting gaining a deeper understanding of the role of a Crafty. This definitely helps when going through resources for students and figuring out what they need to know. Moving forward, I know and want to work on getting more creative, moving beyond focusing on ensuring the content delivery is clear and comprehensible, to considering active engagement – getting the students to take a deep dive rather than swimming on the surface. 

I’ve started working on the next module and am considering activities as I go along. I think it helps that I can relate better to some of the material than I could for the last module – between me and my charming Canadian we cover many of the food allergies and I know what it’s like having to navigate them.

Other activities this week included listening to and summarizing student feedback from a focus group. It was both helpful and interesting to hear student perspectives. It’s so easy to lose sight of what it’s like being a student and especially at the moment, it’s critical to maintain a sense of what students are experiencing in the current realm of digital learning. The next step is passing that feedback on to the relevant Department and facilitating its integration into considerations for future planning. There were some strong views expressed and I’m curious to see how that is received in this continually evolving context.