Often that’s a metaphor for not getting anywhere, but in this case, this represents for me the flow of getting closer and closer to the heart of what matters.

This week has involved being present in many discussions, from Program Review, to Hyflex, to promoting intercultural learning, to enhancing digital courses.

While some of the discussions in Program Review meetings seemed to go down endless winding paths, often crossing back to perennial issues from which some people seem unable to move on, we did eventually come ‘full circle’ to the substance of the discussion. But, not without intentional and careful facilitation. This week has been a good lesson in change management, in terms of how to help groups move forward. Working with faculty requires the soft touch to be able to provide space for everyone to speak and the ‘iron hand’ to move everyone in the required direction – not an easy balance to achieve.

Discussing the teaching and learning intercultural strategy helped me hone in on gaps, where I need to add detail, which pieces to begin with, and how to more clearly articulate certain goals. Next steps, to create a revised version, that I’ll continue to refine, getting ever closer to the heart of what we need to be focusing on. I’m excited that we already have a department keen and willing to pilot faculty resources for intercultural learning – our first intercultural community of practice within a particular area. And I’m looking forward to reviving the Indigenous / Intercultural Learning Circles, so abruptly interrupted last year.Β