“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world” Philip Pullman.

Open books lined up in a trailThis is how I felt after the two Introduction to Story Circles sessions this week. Both went ‘differently’ well, and not without their hitches. I continue my journey of learning technology, in a good way. This was my first time working within a Hyflex model and I love it. Once I calm down about ‘what cord goes where’ and get used to the inevitable trouble shooting, I can see it has so much potential. Not only does it provide greater avenues for inclusion, it’s the embodiment of flexibility. And the way we need to be moving forward in education. From the reactions of the participants in the sessions, it was clear that taking part was a profound experience; how could it not be with the Storyteller we were so fortunate to have in our midst? I’m hopeful that most will want to continue with this initiative.

Out of one conversation at the end of one of the Story Circles the flame reignited for restarting the Living Library project that I was involved in at the College a few years ago, that was discontinued. Living Library or Human Library as it was originally called, is an idea that began in Denmark. I have a meeting next week to discuss how I can work with the Library and Learning Commons to get this going again.

This week I also had exciting conversations around how my GLF role is going to evolve, including working more closely with OGE. They have some tremendous projects ‘on the go,’ from an instructor going to Costa Rica, another involved in COIL, students heading to Japan and NIC welcoming students from Belgium. Already my mind can see all the connections and it’s going to be important to map everything out, ensure I’m placing my time and attention where and when needed, and to make the most of all those connections.